Hailing from Espoo, Finland, Children of Bodom, initially known as Inearthed, embarked on their melodic death metal journey in 1993. With a lineup that included the iconic Alexi Laiho (lead guitar, lead vocals), Jaska Raatikainen (drums), Henkka Seppälä (bass), Janne Wirman (keyboard), and Daniel Freyberg (rhythm guitar), this band would go on to become a defining force in the world of heavy music.
Over their illustrious career, Children of Bodom crafted ten studio albums, two live albums, two EPs, two compilation albums, and a mesmerizing DVD, leaving an indelible mark on the metal landscape.
Their third studio album, "Follow the Reaper," not only received a gold certification in their native Finland but set the stage for subsequent studio albums to achieve similar acclaim. In fact, their next four albums all debuted at number one on the Finnish album charts, and even found a place on the formidable United States Billboard 200.
With over 250,000 records sold in Finland alone, they rightfully hold their place as one of the country's bestselling artists.
In 2019, Children of Bodom took their final bow in Helsinki with a concert aptly named "A Chapter Called Children of Bodom," marking the end of an era. However, the story didn't end there. Laiho and Freyberg carried on under the moniker "Bodom After Midnight" in 2020, showcasing their enduring musical spirit.
Tragically, the metal world suffered a great loss on December 29, 2020, when Alexi Laiho, one of the founding members of Children of Bodom and the sole main songwriter, passed away at the age of 41. His departure marked the end of an era, leaving fans and the music community in mourning.
As we look back on the legacy of Children of Bodom, we remember a band that fearlessly blended melodic death metal, power metal, and neoclassical elements to create a sound uniquely their own. With lightning-fast guitar work, keyboard-driven melodies, and harsh vocals, they carved a niche that inspired countless metal enthusiasts worldwide.
While we may never experience new music from the original lineup, the enduring impact of Children of Bodom on the melodic death metal genre cannot be overstated. Their influence reverberates through the metal community, and their music will continue to captivate and inspire generations to come.
So, as we eagerly await their upcoming release on Amazon on December 15, 2023, let us reflect on the enduring legacy of Children of Bodom, a band that left an indelible mark on the world of Finnish melodic death metal and heavy music as a whole.